CMoU launches its first CIC to assess compliance with MARPOL Annex I Regulation 14
The Caribbean Memorandum of Understanding (CMoU) on Port State Control has launched its first Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC), from 1 September to 30 November 2013, in order to assess compliance with MARPOL Annex I, Regulation 14.
The CIC will investigate the operability of oil filtering equipment / systems and the arrangements for handling sludge. When deficiencies are found, actions by the Port State may vary from recording a deficiency and instructing the Master to rectify it within a certain period to detaining the ship until serious deficiencies have been rectified. Violations of MARPOL Annex I and “magic pipe” cases are considered as very serious crimes in the US and elsewhere. AMC has been nominated in many cases by the US Authorities to monitor various Shipping Companies convicted of relevant violations. Based on our extensive experience in this field, we have prepared a Circular Letter with explanations / useful information regarding each of the questions of the PSC questionnaire for guidance of crews.