Thirty one (31) Port States begin Port State Control Inspections related to MLC 2006
ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) entered into force on 20 August 2013 and thirty one (31) States have ratified the Convention before October 2012. These 31 States can start (or have already started since September 2013) taking enforcement actions hence inspecting vessels under the Port State Control regime. When entering a port of an MLC Member State the vessel must be in full compliance with MLC requirements. Furthermore, in accordance with the “no more favorable treatment” provision of MLC 2006, enforcement will be applied to all ships regardless of whether their Flag State has ratified MLC.
Based on our extensive experience in this field, AMC has prepared a Circular Letter with explanations / useful information / checklists regarding PSC Inspections for the guidance of companies and crews. This Circular is a very helpful tool for self-assessment / self-training and avoidance of problems regarding MLC 2006.