At the forefront of the maritime evolutional progress
Being at the forefront of the maritime evolutional progress we aim to conceive the forthcoming changes in the field and prepare all parties involved for their implementation.
Within this context of awareness, our Company ensures that all appropriate information related to the new requirements coming into force will be gathered and interpreted in a form of a technical manual before becoming mandatory for the shipping community.
EU / UK MRV Monitoring Plans (MP)
- As of 1 July 2015, Regulation (EU) 2015/757 came into effect, requiring every ship >5000 GT calling at an EU port to comply with Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) requirements for CO2 emissions.
- As a result of Brexit, UK released on 17 September 2021 its own, almost identical scheme, called UK MRV (UK legislation SI 2018/1388).
- As of 10 May 2023, Regulation (EU) 2023/957 amended relevant EU requirements in light of shipping being included in EU ETS, requiring the updated, assessed EU MRV Monitoring Plans to be submitted to the Administering Authority by 1 April 2024.
- Approval requirements: the Monitoring Plan is required to be assessed by a certified Verifier and approved by the Administering Authority; Annual Verification of emissions data is also mandatory.
FuelEU Monitoring Plans (FEU)
- As of 13 September 2023, Regulation (EU) 2023/1805 came into effect, requiring every ship >5000 GT calling at an EU port to comply with FuelEU requirements for CO2 emissions.
- Approval requirements: the FuelEU Monitoring Plan is required to be assessed by a certified Verifier; Annual Verification of GHG intensity is also mandatory.
Mooring System Management Plans (MSMP)
- As of 17 September 2018, SIRE VIQ7 came into effect, requiring every Tanker to be provided with a Mooring System Management Plan (MSMP), in line with OCIMF MEG4 Section 1.9 requirements.
- As of 1 January 2024, SOLAS amendments came into effect, requiring all ships to be provided with Management Plans for inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment (including mooring lines) based on MSC.1/Circ.1620.
- Approval requirements: the MSMP does not require any approval; however, its presence onboard will be verified during SIRE inspections and during Class attendances.
Plans and Procedures for Recovery of Persons from the Water (PRW)
- As of 1 July 2014, amendments to SOLAS Chapter III (new Regulation 17-1) come into effect, requiring every ship to be provided with ship-specific Plans and Procedures for Recovery of Persons from the Water.
- Applicability:
- all new ships constructed on or after 1 July 2014.
- all existing ships, by the first periodical or renewal safety equipment survey of the ship to be carried out after 1 July 2014, whichever comes first.
- Ro-ro passenger ships which comply with SOLAS Regulation III/26.4 shall be deemed to comply with this requirement.
- Approval requirements: the plans and procedures are not required to be approved, but an attending Class surveyor will check that they are in place and an ISM auditor may examine them as a part of an ISM audit.
Trim & Stability Booklets / Loading Manuals / Damage Stability Booklets / Grain Loading Manuals
- Preparation of Trim & Stability Booklets and/or Loading Manuals (including Grain Loading Manuals and Damage Stability Booklets) for new buildings or existing ships as per applicable regulations.
- Applicability: all passenger ships regardless of size and every cargo ship having a length of 24m and upwards.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
Biofouling Management Plans (BFMP)
- This ship-specific Plan is prepared in accordance with IMO’s “2023 Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species” (Res. MEPC.378(80)) and relevant local requirements at the US (especially California), Australia and New Zealand, and includes the provision for a Biofouling Record Book to be kept onboard.
- Applicability: All vessels carrying ballast water and operating in the US (especially California), Australia and New Zealand.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is not mandatory. However, the Biofouling Record Book should be available for inspection by Port State Control Officers.
Emergency Towing Booklets (ETB)
- As of 1 January 2010, amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-1 Regulation 3-4 came into effect, requiring every ship (including tankers which are already fitted with emergency towing arrangements) to be provided with emergency towing procedures.
- Applicability:
- all new ships constructed on or after 1 January 2010
- all existing passenger vessels, not later than 1 January 2010
- all existing cargo ships not later than 1 January 2012
- Approval requirements: the procedures are not required to be approved, but an attending surveyor will check that they are in place and an ISM auditor may examine them as a part of an ISM audit.
Ship-to-Ship Operation Plans (STS)
- As of 1 July 2010, amendments to MAPROL Annex I (new Chapter 8) came into effect, requiring every oil tanker engaged in the transfer of oil cargo between oil tankers at sea (STS operations) to carry onboard a Plan prescribing how to conduct STS operations.
- Applicability: all oil tankers of 150 GT and above engaged in STS operations not later than the date of the first annual, intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be carried out on or after 1 January 2011.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
Click here for our model STS Operations Plan.
VOC Management Plans (VOC)
- With effect from 1 July 2010, every tanker carrying crude oil is required to have onboard and implement a ship-specific VOC Management Plan, in accordance with MARPOL Annex VI.
- Applicability: all crude oil tankers.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
Cargo Securing Manuals (CSM)
- In accordance with SOLAS Chapters VI and VII and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing, cargo units, including containers, shall be stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual, based on IMO guidelines and requirements.
- Applicability: The CSM is required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
Loading/Unloading Sequence Manuals (LUS)
- Bulk Carriers of 150m length and above are to be provided with approved typical loading/unloading sequences in accordance with IMO MSC.1/Circ.1357.
- Applicability: Bulk Carriers, Ore Carriers and Combination Carriers of 150m and above.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory (as part of the approved Loading Manual).
Fuel Oil Management Plans (FOMP)
- The purpose of this manual is to identify and provide knowledge with respect to the harmful emissions as generated from the ship’s operations while describing changeover procedures for the use of low sulphur fuel as dictated by MARPOL Annex VI.
- Applicability: According to Annex VI, ships of 400 GT and above, built on or after 19 May 2005, flying the flag of a signatory Party to Annex VI and intending to engage in international voyages will, on delivery, need to obtain an International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPPC). The existing ships, built before 19 May 2005 will need to be certified no later than the first scheduled drydocking after 19 May 2005 but in all cases before 19 May 2008.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is not mandatory.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP) Part I / II:
As of 1 March 2018, MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 27 came into effect, requiring every ship >5000 GT to comply with IMO Data Collection System (DCS) requirements for CO2 emissions.
Approval requirements: the SEEMP Part II is required to be approved by each vessel’s Flag Administration or a Recognized Organization (RO) acting on each behalf; Emissions Reports will be verified annually.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP) Part III:
As of 1 November 2022, MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 26 came into effect, requiring every ship >5000 GT to comply with Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) requirements.
Approval requirements: the SEEMP Part III is required to be approved by each vessel’s Flag Administration or a Recognized Organization (RO) acting on each behalf; CII rating will be verified annually.
Damage Control Booklets (DCB)
- This booklet is prepared in accordance with SOLAS II-1 Reg. 19 requirements and IMO MSC/Circ.1245 (Guidelines for Damage Control Plans and Information to the Master) and intends to provide the ship’s officers with clear information on the ship’s watertight compartmentation and equipment related to maintaining the effectiveness of ship’s boundaries.
- Applicability:
- passenger ships, regardless of size, since 1974
- dry cargo ships over 100m in length, constructed on or after 1 February 1992
- dry cargo ships over 80m in length, constructed on or after 1 July 1998
- all ships, regardless size, constructed on or after 1 January 2009
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
Procedures & Arrangements Manuals (P&A)
- The purpose of this Manual is to identify the arrangements and equipment required to enable compliance with MARPOL Annex II and to address all operational procedures with respect to cargo handling, tank cleaning, slops handling, residue discharging, ballasting and deballasting, which must be followed in order to comply with the applicable requirements.
- Applicability: MARPOL Annex II requires that each ship which is certified for the carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in bulk shall be provided with a Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
Garbage Management Plans (GMP)
- In 1995, IMO adopted amendments to MARPOL Annex V (Resolution MEPC.65(37)) which mandated the provision of a Garbage Management Plan. The particular Plan is prepared to demonstrate compliance with Company’s policy on garbage management as per applicable Rules and Regulations.
- Applicability: MARPOL 73/78 requires every ship of 400 GT and above and every ship certified to carry 15 persons or more to carry a Garbage Management Plan and be provided with a Garbage Record Book.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is not mandatory.
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)
- The purpose of this plan is to provide the Master with guidance on the actions to be taken if an oil spill has occurred or is likely to occur, whether from routine operations or after a major incident such as a collision, fire or explosion. The plan is based on the guidelines issued by IMO Resolution MEPC.54(32), adopted by the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee on 6 March 1992, and amended by Resolution MEPC.86(44) on 13 March 2000.
- Applicability: MARPOL Annex I Regulation 37 requires every oil tanker of 150 GT and above and every ship other than an oil tanker of 400 GT and above to carry a SOPEP. For new ships the rule became effective on 4 April 1993. For ships built before that date it took effect on 4 April 1995.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
Panama Canal Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (PC SOPEP)
- The purpose of the PCSOPEP is to provide guidance to the Master and officers onboard the ship with respect to the steps to be taken for the prevention and response when an oil pollution incident has occurred or is likely to occur for vessels entering the Panama Canal.
- Applicability: The provisions in this document apply to toll-paying vessels that transit the Panama Canal with a carrying capacity of 400 metric tons or more of oil as cargo and/or fuel.
- Approval requirements: Approval by Panama or on behalf of the Panama Administration is mandatory.
Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP)
- The purpose of such a plan is to give the Master guidance on the action to be taken if a spill of oil or noxious liquid substance has occurred or is likely to occur, whether from routine operations or after a major incident such as a collision, fire or explosion. The plan is based on the guidelines issued by IMO Resolution MEPC.54(32), adopted by the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee on 6 March 1992, and amended by Resolution MEPC.86(44) on 13 March 2000 and the SMPEP guidelines in Resolution MEPC.85(44) dated 13 March 2000.
- Applicability: MARPOL Annex II Regulation 17 requires every chemical tanker of 150 GT and above to carry a SMPEP.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
SOLAS Training Manuals
The SOLAS L.S.A. and Fire-fighting Training Manual is provided in accordance with SOLAS Chapter III Regulation 35 and incorporates all the lifesaving appliances onboard. The Master shall ensure that all Officers and ratings read and understand the contents of this manual. The Training Manual has been designed to be “ship specific” in order to assist Master, Officers, ratings onboard and personnel ashore to become familiar with the types and whereabouts of all lifesaving equipment onboard and operation thereof. The Training Manual has been also designed to meet the relevant requirement of the ISM Code and should be read in conjunction with the SMSM.
- Applicability: all ships.
- Approval requirements: as part of the company’s SMS.
Vessel General Permit (VGP)
- This Manual sets out the procedures implemented onboard the vessel with the aim of ensuring compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Ships. It is written in full compliance with the 2013 Vessel General Permit terms and requirements, as issued by the EPA.
- Applicability: This manual is applicable to discharges incidental to the normal operation of the vessel into the “waters of the United States” which are subject to the VGP. Any waters of the United States in any State, Territory, Indian Country, or the District of Columbia are covered by the VGP.
- Approval requirements: Approval is not required.
ECDIS Manuals
As of 5 June 2009, amendments to SOLAS Chapter V (Regulation 19) came into effect, requiring every passenger ship >500 GT and every cargo ship / tanker >3000 GT to be provided with an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS).
- Applicability:
- all existing tankers >3000 GT by July 2015
- all existing cargo ships >50000 GT by July 2016
- all existing cargo ships >20000 GT by July 2017
- all existing cargo ships >10000 GT by July 2018
(detailed implementation schedule included in IMO Res. MSC.282(86)).
- Approval requirements: the manual is not required to be approved, but vetting auditors / inspectors (e.g. Oil Majors, Rightship, etc.) will check that relevant procedures are in place and an ISM auditor may examine them as a part of an ISM audit.
Ship Security Assessments & Plans (SSA&SSP)
- Ship Security Plans (SSP) and Ship Security Assessments (SSA) are prepared in accordance with the ISPS Code and among other are aiming to gather and assess information with respect to security threats, vulnerabilities and consequences, and incorporate appropriate mitigation measures.
- Applicability: to all passenger ships regardless of size and all cargo ships above 500 GT.
- Approval requirements: Approval by the Administration is mandatory.
Ballast Water Management Plans (BWMP)
- This Plan is provided in accordance with the requirements of Regulation B-1 of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention) and the Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and the Development of Ballast Water Management Plans, Res. MEPC.127(53). The purpose of this Plan is to provide procedures and guidance to the vessel’s Master and crew with respect to Ballast Water Management and includes detailed, ship-specific Ballast Water Exchange procedures and training, communication and recording requirements related to Ballast Water Management onboard.
- Applicability: All ships carrying ballast water as may be required by the States whose Ports the ship visits and / or as may be required by relevant Class Rules (based on Class Notation).
- Approval requirements: Where applicable (see above), approval by the Administration / Classification Society is mandatory.
Sewage, Bilge Water & Refrigerant Systems Management Plans (SBR)
- The aim of the procedures contained in this Plan is to provide a proactive approach to environmental management that includes identification of sources of marine and atmospheric pollution and measures for the reduction of potential impacts onboard and ashore, in relation to sewage, bilge water and refrigerant systems. This Plan is prepared in accordance with relevant Class Guidelines for Environmental Notations such as ENVIRO, ENVIRO(+), CLEANSHIP, CLEAN, etc. and is provided together with a Fuel Oil Management Plan (see above).
- Applicability: All ships requesting relevant Class Notations.
- Approval requirements: Where applicable (see above), approval by the Classification Society is mandatory.
Fire Pre-Plans (Pre-Fire Plans)
- This Plan is prepared in accordance with the latest EXXON Marine Environmental, Safety and Quality Assurance Criteria (MESQAC) for vessels in affiliate service, Section E.21, and is to be used as a tool by emergency response personnel to access a ship’s spaces in preparation for fire-fighting.
- Applicability: All tankers requesting compliance with EXXON MESQAC Sec. E.21 (voluntary).
- Approval requirements: Approval is not mandatory.